What is a Movement?

If you are silent about your suffering, are you complicit in its existence?


The abyss that exists inside of the individual understanding of oneness moves from a chasm of emptiness to a reservoir of untapped fullness. Suffering the transition of the emptiness of the abyss to a reservoir of untapped fullness without the required mental advocate create the conditions for a dissociated cognitive dissonance.  


What is a movement? 


Consider the movement as a single Black radical mind, marching to the beat of its own drum. Understanding that the door to the soul opens inwardly. Consider it being the manifested cleansed self concept… the abundant Black being existing in the fullness of its autonomy; the energy of the revolution that is embodied, and not an experience to anticipate. 


James Baldwin, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, W.E.B Dubois, Frantz Fanon… all movements unto themselves. Stand alone figures who embody the energy of the revolutionary. The physical manifestation of a galvanizing force. 


What is a movement?



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