The Resolution found in Vulnerability / The Burning Candle

There are moments where one is able to consider if the emotional turmoil they experience is because of their own affinity to the complacency of pain...


The mind or the heart (or maybe a combination of both) may find comfort in the idea of continuing to hurt; subsequently making it more difficult to heal. 


One begins to question how to unlearn the oppressive and destructive ideas that lead to negative social and behavioral conditions. How does one untie the knots of self-deprecation that have attached themselves to the self concept? How does one heal the internal scars they are unaware of? 


The self deserves to be seen in the positive light of the cleansed self concept. Through a radical reconditioning of the mind, the self can navigate creating a narrative that aligns with the cleansed self concept. Expansion begins with awareness of conditions. If in that awareness, one turns away from the truth of what is revealed, there grows a dissonance that needs reconciliation. Said differently, it is impossible to unsee. The deliberate act of ignoring the truth of conditions create a subjective reality that is not aligned with objective reality, and therefore has to be reconciled. Vulnerability as the state of being where emotional strength and integrity are developed, demonstrates a persons ability to seek emotional catharsis in a positive and productive way. 


There is resolution found in the ability to be vulnerable with the self. 


The Burning Candle…


I gaze upon the burning candle and see right action in its utility. It stands resolute, burning as slow or as fast as it should. As bright or as dim as it needs. It does not ask to burn, or be lit. Its will is only to be… to burn; to serve its purpose. So should we as human beings seek to embody the symbolism found in the burning candle. 


The ability to stand resolute and fortified, balanced with the ability to burn as bright or as dimly as we need… as we want. Its curiosities lay in the flicker of the flame, and so should ours lay in the illumination we project. 


The candle has no foe. It is not attached to anything but its purpose. The beauty of the candle lay, not in its presentation, but in its utility. The burning of the candle is not performative. It does not compete with other candles, for no two flames are the same. The candle, like the tree is a representation of a stoic symbol. Utilizing the symbolism found in the candle, one can find resolve in being vulnerable with the self. 


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