Our Challenge...

The strongest chains aren’t physical, they are often mental...

Endurance isn’t the only characteristic of these mental chains. They are also, often, very elusive. Most aren’t even aware that they are there. When we are given the opportunity to see these chains we also see how they have endured through all of our efforts to break free from them. The way forward, sometimes, is a difficult terrain to navigate. One that for all intents and purposes, we may feel we’ve already overcome. We see the changing landscape and feel the difficulty of navigating this terrain without accepting that we have no choice but to be disoriented. It is a necessary and natural response to the experience of change. 

It is especially difficult when we conspire against the natural flow of life. Our manipulation of the natural flow adds to the normal feeling of resistance we may feel to change. We feel more overwhelmed, more guilt, more shame, more anxiety because we are always plotting for control. For control of the situation, the narrative, and control of people. There is no control, there is only flow. There is no control, there is only flow. There is no control, there is only flow. We have two choices when faced with a challenge… replaying the details of how we were brought to the challenge and those responsible, or accepting where we are to make transformative change. 

We are fundamentally incapable of solving a problem from the inside, the same is true of healing from trauma. Distance from the trauma allows our heart a reprieve from the constant attacks we feel it sustains so that it can regenerate. It’s hard to lead with your heart when you feel like you’re being forced to do something you need to do but resist. We have the right to refrain from the causes of our suffering. We are required to ask ourselves what are the causes of my own suffering and how can we move into a plane of existence where we suffer less?

Questions that lead to catharsis and happiness...


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