Living in A Delusion

It seems like we are living in a time where the full structure of our society is being exposed...


The underpinnings, support structures, and scaffolds of our nation are being examined and are currently being found both wanting and needing. The founders provided a framework that offered considerations for the needs of all and the wants of very few. Traveling beyond the frey of the status quo, centuries of differing interests and growing inequality has led to the satisfied wants of a few and the full scale assault on the needs of the many. Greater good be damned. 


History repeats itself in demonstrative ways from the recycled grievances to the hand me down rhetoric that galvanizes the aggrieved behind a campaign to seek momentary emotional catharsis. Blatant disregard and obstructionist behavior patterns elude to the true feelings of folks we are required to interact with if we are to adhere to the social contract. Crushed by the weight of capitalism, relegated to the middle where socialism is the foundation, the masses have come to retake their respective pounds of flesh. 


Aggregate embers turned into a blaze of fire brimmed resentment the foundation of which is lost as it is manipulated; mutating into an all consuming idea. The mistake being that we have yet to show our ability to move beyond the need to romanticize and idealize resentment. Our grievances precede us, and adjoins itself, creating a firewall of protection from the truth. The rules of the universe still matter, whether the vacuums we exist in reminds us of it or not. 


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